Thursday, September 19, 2013

It's Halloween What Shall I Be? New Children's Halloween Book 2013

Halloween conjures up all kinds of wonderful memories.

I have my own, preparing for that magical night where you get to pretend you are someone else.

Year after year, we'd break out the glue, all kinds of sparkling trims and create what we thought were the most amazing, beautiful outfits.

We'd giggle and scamper up to the homes with lights left on, so we would know they welcomed us.  Over the years, we caught on to using larger bags for our treats.  We even made a map one year, to scope out the best homes in the neighborhood.  Of course, they handed out the best treats!  They were well known, so we wanted to leave as early as possible.

As the years passed, I became a mommy.  I had just as much fun as when I was a kid.  I'd dress up, take my kids out and we all had a wonderful night.  We'd hand out candies and sometimes I'd sit on the front porch with a "cauldron"  full of candy, draped with an over-sized hooded robe, I'd cackle like a witch and would hear shrieks and giggles as the kids loved to be frightened in a safe way.

I became an artist and later an animation director, but I always dreamed of writing children's books.  This year I published my first one!  And the subject you ask? Well of COURSE it was about the joy of Halloween trick-or-treating!

It's a fun, rhyming children's book and the illustrations are colorful.  Each character is such a good friend of mine.  I have heard that even children at 8 love the book.

If you love seeing your little ones giggle and smile and use their imagination. Check out my book!

It's Halloween What Shall I Be?  #1 in the Sea Friends Adventures series, by ME :D  BE Leveille.

Here's a link to the book's page on amazon:  It's Halloween What Shall I Be?

and another to a little video I made about how I made the characters.  The video is on the right side of the author's page, where you will see a pic of me :)

Below are a few of the illustrations, but I don't want to give it all away, I must leave a little to the imagination!  I do hope you'll tell all your friends and family to buy this adorable loving children's book today, so you can read this little story over and over and giggle with your kids. 

You'll meet DC our not so little "Decorator Crab" and his buddy Gallop the seahorse, also Angel our beautiful Angel Fish (but she knows that all too well), and Squirt our little starfish; I mustn't leave out the Seaweed Brothers 3.  We still need to pick a name for our tiny little sea urchin, she's just so sweet!  Great News!  We have a fan club and you can join us too!  It's for the Sea Friends Adventures Series on Face book Sea Friends Adventures Fan Club  You can come and chat about all the books you love for your children, not just mine :)  Find friends there and watch for new announcements about our up-and-coming books this fall and winter!

May you and your little ones have TOO MUCH FUN this Halloween reading our little story!

Happy Halloween to you ALL,
Love Rain

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